Destination Guide


Gini Talent simplifies employment in Brazil, managing payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance on one platform.

Services available in this country:
Employer of Record Product
Contractor Management

Capital City



Brazilian Real
(R$, BRL)



Population size


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Working Hours and Flexibility
In Brazil, the standard working hours are 44 hours per week, but this can vary across industries. Employees can enjoy flexible hours and remote work options to maintain a work-life balance.
Employee Rights and Benefits
In Brazil, employees are entitled to annual leave, health insurance, pension contributions, and job security. Salaries must also meet or exceed the minimum wage.
Popular Industries and Professions
Popular industries in Brazil include agriculture, mining, automotive, energy, and finance. Common professions are in engineering, healthcare, and IT fields.

Work-Life Balance Insights
In Brazil, work-life balance is a priority. Flexible working hours and remote work options help employees balance family life and personal time.

Discover working conditions in Brazil

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Health Insurance and Services
Brazil's social security system covers retirement and health services. Health insurance includes services provided by both the public and private sectors.

Family Support Programs
In Brazil, family support programs provide financial aid to low-income families. These programs aim to meet essential needs such as childcare and education.
Pension and Unemployment Insurance
In Brazil, pension and unemployment insurance provide salary support and temporary financial aid in case of unemployment. These insurances are regulated by the government.
Disability and Maternity Benefits
In Brazil, disability and maternity benefits provide financial support to workers facing health issues or after childbirth. These benefits are regulated and provided by the government
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Discover social security in Brazil

In Brazil, employers pay 20% to INSS, 8% to FGTS, 5.8% for education, and 1-3% for accident insurance. Employees get a 13th salary, 30 vacation days, and a bonus.
Employee Income Taxes
In Brazil, income up to 1,903.98 BRL is tax-free. Rates are 7.5% (1,903.99–2,826.65 BRL), 15% (2,826.66–3,751.05 BRL), 22.5% (3,751.06–4,664.68 BRL), and 27.5% for higher incomes.
Employee Payroll Taxes
In Brazil, employees contribute 8% to 11% of their salary to Social Security, with a maximum contribution of 482.93 BRL.

Tax Reporting and Filing
In Brazil, individuals must file annual tax returns by April 30. Employers deduct income tax monthly, and additional payments or refunds are determined after filing.

Taxation system in Brazil

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Termination Process
Brazilian law mandates salary payment on the last day if terminated. Resignation without notice requires payment in 7 days. Misconduct terminations allow up to 3 business days.
Severance Pay
In Brazil, severance pay is typically one month’s salary per year but not mandatory in all cases. Employers contribute 8% of wages to a fund, with a 40% fine on termination or 20% for mutual agreements.
Notice Period
Employees must give 30 days' notice to resign. Employers must give 30 days for the first year, adding 3 days per additional year, capped at 90 days.

Probation Periods
In Brazil, the maximum probationary period is 90 days, consisting of two 45-day terms. The initial 45-day trial period can be extended for one additional 45-day term.
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Employment termination in Brazil

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Living Cost in Brazil

Discover the living costs in Brazil with our detailed insights, helping you plan your budget and make informed decisions for your lifestyle.

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